| ScaleRichView Components | |

What is ScaleRichView
ScaleRichView is a set of Delphi/C++Builder VCL and Lazarus (Free Pascal) LCL components for WYSIWYG editing (“What You See Is What You Get”), created basing on TRichView and RichViewActions.
ScaleRichView uses TRichView engine for document rendering, but it repaginates, scales and draws pages in its own way.
Supported Lazarus platforms: Windows.
A document in ScaleRichView is accessible via hidden (or external) TRichViewEdit component, so you can use the same methods for document generation and editing as you use in TRichView.
Headers, footers, endnotes, footnotes and text boxes are accessible in a similar way.
ScaleRichView is an addon to TRichView. In order to install ScaleRichView package, you need to install packages of TRichView and RichViewActions before. You can order ScaleRichView as a bundle “TRichView+ScaleRichView”, or later, after ordering TRichView.
The main features of ScaleRichView are:
- support for almost all TRichView features;
- WYSIWYG editing mode;
- scaling;
- real-time repagination;
- support for more than 120 standard paper formats: ISO (Europe), ANSI (USA), JIS (Japan), etc.;
- ability to display and print in different formats (for example, document can be edited as A5 but printed as A3);
- custom page positioning;
- multiple layout modes (draft, Web mode, print layout, side-to-side layout, read mode);
- tooltip on scrolling, showing page number and text;
- vertical and horizontal graphic menus (toolbars) in scrollbar area;
- complete support of RichViewActions;
- controls in documents, both standard and special for ScaleRichView;
- editing a main document, headers, footers, footnotes, endnotes, text boxes directly in the editor.
List of Features
Click the links below to read detailed information.
Components in the Package
– text processor for WYSIWYG editing, with scaling and multiple layouts (including page view mode).
– data-aware version of TSRichViewEdit.
– ruler, an analog of TRVRuler from RichViewActions, but working with TSRichViewEdit.
shows all pages as thumbnails.
– toolbar for insertion in scrollbar area of TSRichViewEdit.
shows toolbar in popup window.
TSRVPrint prints documents from TSRichViewEdit;
an editor component can print documents itself, but TSRVPrint supports several special printing modes, including posters.
shows how document will be printed by TSRVPrint.
– a skinnable scrollbar; this component is used inside TSRichViewEdit, but may be useful as a separate component as well.
– a skinnable set of tabs having icons and text labels; this component can be used to implement a tabbed multiple document interface.
applies skins to TSRVTabSet and TSRVScrollBar.
Online manual
Additional information and resources