Re: Font not set back after inserting hyperlink

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 06/02/2003 21:24:07


Actually, the text style is set back to the original style (if you are about

TrvActionInsertHyperlink). But it can be set again to hyperlink under some

circumstances (clicking the editor, moving focus out and back in, etc.). In

this case, the only way to remove hyperlink properties from text - selecting

it, executing this action and clearing target.

In the next update of RichViewActions, the style will be set back to normal

when pressing Enter after hyperlink.

> Hi,


> when I insert a hyperlink at the very beginning of an empty RichViewEdit

> or at the very end without a space behind it, the text style isn't set

> back to normal. So, if I continue typing after the link the following

> text assumes the properties of the link text.


> How can I a void this?


> Yoerdes


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