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How the Cursor move in the Tags of TSrichViewEdit ?

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 1:33 am
by srvsxf
First,thank your help me!

Now,I find a problem.I want to use the Tags in the TSrichViewEdit .
The user want to used the "Enter" key to move the Cursor.
How I do?

Thank you for your help! I'm very impatient.

Thanks again!

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 7:00 am
by Sergey Tkachenko
1) How do you want to use tags?
2) Where do you want to move the caret when the user pressed Enter?

Cusor Move

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 2:06 am
by srvsxf
Sergey Tkachenko wrote:1) How do you want to use tags?
2) Where do you want to move the caret when the user pressed Enter?
Sorry! I don't describe it carefully.
My sourcecode is as below.
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
var r,c: Integer;
table1 := TRVTableItemInfo.CreateEx(2,14, srv.RichViewEdit.RVData);
table1.BorderWidth := 0;
table1.CellBorderWidth := 0;
table1.CellBorderStyle := rvtbColor;
table1.CellBorderColor := clwhite;
table1.BorderStyle := rvtbColor;

with table1 do begin

srv.RichViewEdit.InsertItem('', table1);

run the program ,it's as below. ... 94404.html
I hope when the user press "enter" key,the cursor move in the place with gray backgrand.

Please help me !


Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 2:28 pm
by Sergey Tkachenko
Do you want it to move to the NEXT text with gray background?
Like MS Excel moves to the next cell when user presses Enter?

Cursor Move

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 2:55 am
by srvsxf
Sergey Tkachenko wrote:Do you want it to move to the NEXT text with gray background?
Like MS Excel moves to the next cell when user presses Enter?
OK! Just it I want.

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 3:39 am
by srvsxf
I want to move the Cursor in the gray background.
The best,the user use "->" not use "enter" key.because "Enter" key use to newline.

But I find an other problem.If I don't press "enter" key,I input the word "111" in the tag,I can get the word "111".If I input the word "111" ,then press "enter" key,the gray background have a new line ,I add "222" on the end of "111".I get the tag value again.It also "111".
But it's not I want.I want get the whole string "111222".How I do?

Please help me!Thanks a lot.
so I have two problem.The detail is as below.
1) use direction key move the cursor
2) press "Enter" key ,I also get the whole value "111222"


Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 6:32 am
by Sergey Tkachenko
TSRichViewEdit has the method NextCurItem allowing to select the next item having one of the specified StyleNo. In your case, StyleNo=6.
Enter is processed in OnKeyDown event. Unfortunately, it is forbidden to move from cell to cell in OnKeyDown, so we need using PostMessage to call NextCurItem.

1) Define the constant

Code: Select all

2) Add in the interface part of the form:

Code: Select all

    procedure WMGoToNextText(var Msg: TMessage); message WM_GOTONEXTTEXT;
3) Add in the implementation:

Code: Select all

procedure TForm1.WMGoToNextText(var Msg: TMessage);
4) Add in srv.OnKeyDown:

Code: Select all

  if (Key = VK_RETURN) then begin
    PostMessage(Handle, WM_GOTONEXTTEXT, 0, 0);
    Key := 0;

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 6:37 am
by Sergey Tkachenko
Now, about line breaks in fields.
One item cannot contain a line break inside. Because of this, your line

Code: Select all

is incorrect, you need using 2 calls of AddNLTag to add 2 lines.
And when you get values, you can enumerate all items having the same tag, something like this:

Code: Select all

FieldValue := '';
for i := 0 to RVData.ItemCount-1 do
  if StrComp(PChar(RVData.GetItemTag(i), 'eName5') then
    FieldValue := FieldValue+RVData.GetItemText(i);

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 8:33 am
by srvsxf
Sergey Tkachenko wrote:Now, about line breaks in fields.
One item cannot contain a line break inside. Because of this, your line

Code: Select all

is incorrect, you need using 2 calls of AddNLTag to add 2 lines.
And when you get values, you can enumerate all items having the same tag, something like this:

Code: Select all

FieldValue := '';
for i := 0 to RVData.ItemCount-1 do
  if StrComp(PChar(RVData.GetItemTag(i), 'eName5') then
    FieldValue := FieldValue+RVData.GetItemText(i);
Thank you for your help.

I test my program with your method.

My sourcode is as below.
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
FieldValue :string;
i :integer;
FieldValue := '';

for i := 0 to srv.RichViewEdit.RVData.ItemCount-1 do
if Pchar(srv.RichViewEdit.RVData.GetItemTag(i))='eName5' then
FieldValue :=FieldValue+ FieldValue+srv.RichViewEdit.RVData.GetItemText(i);


I copy your code test directly.
Have two problem.
1) Undeclared identifier:"RVDate"
2)The cursor stop the end of "StrComp(PChar(RVData.GetItemTag(i),".
Debug Message:')' expected but ',' found

so I modify your code as above .

I test the program. I click the button1. The message is "1-".

Please help me!


Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 8:55 am
by srvsxf
Sergey Tkachenko wrote:TSRichViewEdit has the method NextCurItem allowing to select the next item having one of the specified StyleNo. In your case, StyleNo=6.
Enter is processed in OnKeyDown event. Unfortunately, it is forbidden to move from cell to cell in OnKeyDown, so we need using PostMessage to call NextCurItem.

1) Define the constant

Code: Select all

2) Add in the interface part of the form:

Code: Select all

    procedure WMGoToNextText(var Msg: TMessage); message WM_GOTONEXTTEXT;
3) Add in the implementation:

Code: Select all

procedure TForm1.WMGoToNextText(var Msg: TMessage);
4) Add in srv.OnKeyDown:

Code: Select all

  if (Key = VK_RETURN) then begin
    PostMessage(Handle, WM_GOTONEXTTEXT, 0, 0);
    Key := 0;
Thank you for your help very much!

I think that user need used "Enter" key to new line sometime.
so,I want to use "right" key move the cursor to next tag,use "left" key move the cursor to previous tag.

how I do?


Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 5:23 pm
by Sergey Tkachenko
You can change VK_RETURN to VK_RIGHT.
You can implement similar code with VK_LEFT and PriorCurItem instead of NextCurItem.

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 12:43 am
by srvsxf
Sergey Tkachenko wrote:You can change VK_RETURN to VK_RIGHT.
You can implement similar code with VK_LEFT and PriorCurItem instead of NextCurItem.
Thank you for your help!

I test my program as your said yesterday. But It can't success because of some my mistake.

Today,I test again. It's ok!

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 12:45 am
by srvsxf
srvsxf wrote:
Sergey Tkachenko wrote:Now, about line breaks in fields.
One item cannot contain a line break inside. Because of this, your line

Code: Select all

is incorrect, you need using 2 calls of AddNLTag to add 2 lines.
And when you get values, you can enumerate all items having the same tag, something like this:

Code: Select all

FieldValue := '';
for i := 0 to RVData.ItemCount-1 do
  if StrComp(PChar(RVData.GetItemTag(i), 'eName5') then
    FieldValue := FieldValue+RVData.GetItemText(i);
Thank you for your help.

I test my program with your method.

My sourcode is as below.
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
FieldValue :string;
i :integer;
FieldValue := '';

for i := 0 to srv.RichViewEdit.RVData.ItemCount-1 do
if Pchar(srv.RichViewEdit.RVData.GetItemTag(i))='eName5' then
FieldValue :=FieldValue+ FieldValue+srv.RichViewEdit.RVData.GetItemText(i);


I copy your code test directly.
Have two problem.
1) Undeclared identifier:"RVDate"
2)The cursor stop the end of "StrComp(PChar(RVData.GetItemTag(i),".
Debug Message:')' expected but ',' found

so I modify your code as above .

I test the program. I click the button1. The message is "1-".

Please help me!

Do you look this problem?

I can't also get the value .

Please help me!


Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 1:52 pm
by Sergey Tkachenko
Use this function:

Code: Select all

function GetFieldValueFromRVData(RVData: TCustomRVData; const FieldName: String): String;
var i,r,c: Integer;
    table: TRVTableItemInfo;
  Result := '';
  for i := 0 to RVData.ItemCount-1 do
    if (RVData.GetItemStyle(i)>=0) and
      (StrComp(PChar(RVData.GetItemTag(i)), PChar(FieldName))=0) then
      Result := Result + RVData.GetItemText(i)
    else if (RVData.GetItemStyle(i)=rvsTable) then begin
      Table := TRVTableItemInfo(RVData.GetItem(i));
      for r := 0 to table.RowCount-1 do
        for c := 0 to table.ColCount-1 do
          if Table.Cells[r,c]<>nil then
           Result := Result+GetFieldValueFromRVData(table.Cells[r,c].GetRVData, FieldName);
How to use:

Code: Select all

FieldValue := GetFieldValueFromRVData(srv.RichViewEdit.RVData, 'eName5');

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 12:47 am
by srvsxf
Sergey Tkachenko wrote:Use this function:

Code: Select all

function GetFieldValueFromRVData(RVData: TCustomRVData; const FieldName: String): String;
var i,r,c: Integer;
    table: TRVTableItemInfo;
  Result := '';
  for i := 0 to RVData.ItemCount-1 do
    if (RVData.GetItemStyle(i)>=0) and
      (StrComp(PChar(RVData.GetItemTag(i)), PChar(FieldName))=0) then
      Result := Result + RVData.GetItemText(i)
    else if (RVData.GetItemStyle(i)=rvsTable) then begin
      Table := TRVTableItemInfo(RVData.GetItem(i));
      for r := 0 to table.RowCount-1 do
        for c := 0 to table.ColCount-1 do
          if Table.Cells[r,c]<>nil then
           Result := Result+GetFieldValueFromRVData(table.Cells[r,c].GetRVData, FieldName);
How to use:

Code: Select all

FieldValue := GetFieldValueFromRVData(srv.RichViewEdit.RVData, 'eName5');
Thank you for your help!

But I 'm sorry that I can't test it successful.

I copy your function to my program.
create a button to show the value of the tag "eName5".
But found the error .

The first image is as below. ... 94695.html
The second is ... 94696.html
The third is ... 94697.html


Please help me.
